GDM Solutions
Providing an Industry Standard Software for Research

Statistical Handbook

In 2016 Gerard de Kerchove (author) and Andrew Norton of PDM Associates (editor) published the 3rd Edition of their very popular book A Statistical Handbook for Agricultural Field Trials Specialists. The handbook is updated with all screenshots and figures in color, as well as formatting improvements for use as an e-book.
The statistical handbook uses a logical and understandable way to describe the basic statistical elements affecting field trials and their planning, implementation, and interpretation. The book is designed to be suitable for:
  • Field Trials Specialists,
  • Project Managers who may be interpreting results,
  • and also for students who may be taking their first opportunity to get involved in this type of experimentation.
See Statistical Handbook - Table of Contents (pdf) for an overview of the Table of Contents, listing the different topics included in the handbook.
To order the e-book version of the handbook (3rd Edition), purchase from:
The printed version of the handbook is also available from Amazon using the same link above.